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Kurs i skuespillerteknikk, også for regissører!

NB! Artikkelen er flere år gammel!

Metodifestivalen i Italia tilbyr en ukes kurs i skuespillerteknikk med leder for skuespillerutdanningen ved kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Gianluca Iumiento.


 Kort informasjon om kurset:



  • Sted: Alta Maremma/Toscana
  • Tid: 28. september – 6 oktober
  • Kurs og overnatting i en uke. Pris:  500 euro.
  • Ta kontakt med Serena Bertini:  +39 347 885 77 43 og info@metodifestival.org

Mer informasjon om festivalen og kurset finner du HER





Litt informasjon om teknikken:


Interaction Technique for Film and Theater is an acting technique that explores acting as the ability to interact adequately and unpredictably From the given circumstances. The technique helps actors experiencing the elements involved in a true interaction, training actors to access a full vulnerability and a strong agility. The technique works as a frame for the experience helping actors to transform resistances within the interaction into active possibilities. The technique in its practice works as a progression of exercises made of three main parts that are constantly in dialogue with each other: Non-Verbal and Sensorial Interaction; Verbalization and Verbal Interaction; Text and Complex Multiple Interaction. During the seminar actors explore, in form of isolated metaphors, problems related to interaction such as: space, behavior, verbalization and text. At the end of the training every element is present simultaneously within a complex and multiple interaction giving actors a complex network of possibilities.

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